A note on transcripts

You may be wondering where the transcripts have gone. We've moved them to a separate blog, FWCC Triennial Transcripts, while we work on a way of making them easier to read- many of them are several thousand words long!

We will make a new post here for each transcript, with a summary and a link to the full text on the other blog.

Best wishes

Triennial blog team

Tuesday 14 August 2007

Blogging workshop

A sucessful workshop on 'easy ways to get onto the web' brought together Quakers of all ages who wanted to know more about blogging. The workshop included setting up a blog at ugandayearlymeeting.blogspot.com

Hopefully the fruits of the workshop will be coming to a web browser near you very soon!

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Our hope is that this blog will be a place of dialogue and sharing, enhancing the exchanges which happen at the FWCC World Triennial this summer.

While the event is running, participants at the Triennial will be sharing their experiences and reflections. This will allow Friends and others to join in the Triennial experience.

In the meantime, participants can start the Triennial process before they get to Dublin, by joining in the dialogue on the study booklet (PDF, 212kb)